Keeping you up to date with TRClass, TRCamp, TRCompetition events and TRCommunity happenings!
Our competition teams are by invitation only and are chosen from current TRC students.
For a chance to participate in our next season, enroll in a class today!
Team member selection and registration begins July 1
Season meetings begin in August and are typically held once per week on either a Monday or Thursday with an additional day added when there is an upcoming competition. Competitions begin in December. State Championships are held February through April.
Potential teams include First Lego League Robotics for elementary, First Tech Challenge for middle school and high school; American
Rocketry Challenge for high school; and Robot Drone League for high school.
Vectors is our online newsletter engineered to inspire students in their pursuit of God's extraordinary calling. We aim to equip students with tools and inspiration to embark on a path of remarkable achievements, as they delve into the realms of science, technology, engineering, art/design, and math. We envision these students as the trailblazers who will shape the future of technology in the 21st century.